Counter Productive Behavior Index

The Counter-Productive Behavior Index (CBI) is a cost-effective integrity screening assessment for identifying job applicants whose behavior, attitudes, and work-related values are likely to interfere with their success as employees. The Counter-Productive Behavior Index is a valuable tool for reducing absenteeism, turnover, disciplinary problems, disruptions, theft, and shrinkage in the workplace. CBI will increase your productivity “per hire.”

This honesty/integrity test is designed to provide employers with an accurate assessment of a job applicant’s risk profile in six counter-productive work behaviors.

  • Dependability
  • Aggression
  • Substance Abuse
  • Honesty
  • Computer Abuse
  • Sexual Harassment 

The CBI can be completed by a job applicant in 15 minutes for a cost of $30 or less.

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