Administrative High Performer

A high performing office administrator is one who delivers desired results, and then some. They get their work done effectively and efficiently.  They work well with others in the process. High performing administrative employees contribute positively to the organization through their work, their ideas, and insights.

Administrative High Performers share many common qualities:

  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Attention to detail
  • High dependability
  • Strong Organizational Skills
  • High Cognitive Ability (problem solving, critical thinking)
  • Rapid Work Pace
  • Team Oriented
  • High Vocabulary
  • High Numerical Ability
  • Conscientious
  • Decisive
  • Superior Time Management Skills
  • High Adaptability
  • Ability to Prioritize
  • High Microsoft Office Skills – Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Accounting – Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Bookkeeper, Cost Accounting, Financial Statements, Inventory Depreciation, Payroll, Taxes.
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